Auditions: Oxtiern; or the Misfortunes of Libertinage by Marquis De Sade
Sat, Jan 09
|Digital Auditions
Oxtiern is a short play based on the retold story "Ernestine, A Swedish Tale," also by Sade. Thru his forgotten drama in prose, we experience passion, hate, revenge & tragedy all while vying for our heroine to escape.

Time & Location
Jan 09, 2021, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Digital Auditions
About the Event
Directed by Dakota Lee Bryant
Rehearsals: January 2021
Performances: February 2021
This production will take place in person.
We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every production, please submit without regard to disability, race, age, weight, color, national origin, ethnic origin, gender identity, or any other basis. Any specifics integral to the plot or required by the publisher will be listed in the individual announcement.
(Audition information is subject to change)
Oxtiern is a short play based on the story "Ernestine, A Swedish Tale," also by Sade. The play opens with a conversation between Fabrice, an innkeeper, and Casimir, a valet of Count Oxtiern, a wealthy nobleman. Casimir has come in advance of Oxtiern, who plans to stay at the inn, to make arrangements. Fabrice is showing Casimir the rooms he has prepared for the young woman who is traveling with the Count. Casimir agrees that the rooms are suitable, and takes Fabrice aside to confide in him about the young woman who is traveling with the Count. The young woman is Ernestine, the daughter of Colonel Falkenheim. Oxtiern has abducted her, Casimir tells Fabrice, and "dishonored" her by forcing sex* upon her outside of marriage. The action of this play, takes place just after the abduction as Oxtiern is transporting his “claimed prize” to his home to lock her away from her family, lover, and life. Thru Sade’s forgotten drama in prose, we experience passion, hate, revenge & tragedy all while vying for our heroine to escape.
*Though mentioned, this production does not contain acts of sexual violence.
Setting: An Inn just outside Norrkoping. Timeless. 90s Affluent.
Characters: 4 M / 4 W
Fabrice - female-presenting, [30s-60s. Inn Owner and “friend” by convenience to Oxtiern. Is the owner of the establishment the action of the play takes place in. Flees in Act 1 to free Herman, returns with Herman in Act 3 to foil Oxtiern.
Casimir - male-presenting, 20s-50s. Slow but Loyal valet & henchman to Count Oxtiern. Has been sent ahead to the Inn to ‘make preparations’, spy on Ernestine, and bribe Amelie (or other servants) to keep Count Oxtiern’s plan on track.
Ernestine - female-presenting, 20s-30s. Young noble woman who has been beset on by the Count. She is currently plotting her escape and revenge on the Count for travesties against her and her family. Ernestine intends to dual Oxtiern tonight for her freedom. Character will be involved in stage combat, potentially Fencing / Short Sword.
Amelie - female-presenting, 20s-50s. Handmaiden to Ernestine. But has no loyalty outside of duty. Hass been revealing secrets about Ernestine’s plans for revenge to Casimir for money.
Count Oxtiern - male-presenting, 20s-40s. High Born Libertine. This character is said to be the representation of the Marquis de Sade. Arrogant and Evil, the Count does not believe that anything that brings him joy is bad, even at the cost of all others.
Derbac - female-presenting, 20-40s. Noble Libertine-in-Training. A confidant and apprentice to Count Oxtiern. Derbac slowly realizes that the Count is depraved.
Colonel Falkenheim - male-presenting, 40s-60s. The doting and accomplished Father of Ernestine. Known to be aging the Colonel means well but is barely agile. Character will be involved in stage combat.
Charles / Herman - male-presenting, 20s-30s. Charles is the Inn’s crier and announcer of arrivals for acts 1 and 2, I would like him to be an angry, loud servant. In Act 3, actor will portray Herman, the true love of Ernestine and Slayer of Count Oxtiern. Herman should represent everything opposite of Count Oxtiern.
Auditions will be online (Zoom) Saturday, Janurary 9, 2021, with in-person Masked Callbacks on Janurary 10, 2021.
Rehearsals begin virtually January 11, 2021.
Sides will be provided.
Please contact the Box Office with additional questions.