"Three women try to take a break from their busy late 30’s lives by having a “self-care” weekend at a cabin in the north woods of Minnesota. However, their misguided relaxation and rejuvenation methods conjure up supernatural forces that terrify them into facing the darkest parts of themselves in order to survive. Join us for this World Premiere horror-comedy with a satirical take on “self-care” culture."
When I think of cabins in the woods, I think of a good book, delicious food, amazing company, and nature sounds I don’t find through a YouTube search.

That is exactly how the weekend starts out for Jessica, Gretchen, and Amy. As I approach the latter part of my 30s, I find myself more and more nostalgic for times when life wasn’t as stressful. When I didn’t spend so much time wishing I was better at something, disconnecting from people due to hurt, or wanting everything to go perfectly according to my plans. I often wish I could banish all the wasted time. But healing isn’t fast like a bath bomb in water, a glass of wine only relieves stress for a few hours, and “just be happier” isn’t a cure for depression. There isn’t an instant fix when working on yourself. It may have taken 20 years for me to learn that the only person wishing I was different really hurts . . . is me.
Now, did I think I would find the personification of that life lesson in a laughter-inducing satirical horror comedy that takes place in a cabin in the woods? I did not. And I have Heather Meyer to thank for writing this piece and bringing it to life.
So join our three friends as they battle their inner demons with bathbombs, death, cake, death, fuchsia blossom sunrise splash… and death.
#selfcare #worldpremier #theatreimitateslife #squeekyfred #newhairdontcareselfcare #imaynevervacationinacabininthewoodsagain
~ Amandanell Bold